Blog Tour: Culhwch and Olwen written by Catherine Fisher and illustrated by Efa Lois

Written by  Catherine Fisher
Illustrated by Efa Lois
Published by Cadno an imprint of Graffeg Limited

Culhwch and Olwen is a spellbinding, lyrical re-telling of an early Arthurian myth that completely captivated me as I followed a courageous hero and his companions on a dangerous, thrilling and seemingly impossible quest.

A baby boy is born in a pig-run, in tragic circumstances, and wrapped in a swineherd’s coat.  His father, Prince Cilydd, has been searching for his pregnant wife, who went missing on Lammas night.  When he finds her, she is dying, but tells him to name their son Culhwch.

When Culhwch becomes a young man, his father remarries but his new wife is seeking revenge.  She places a curse on Culhwch:  he will never have a wife unless he marries Olwen – the daughter of Ysbaddaden, Chief of the Giants.  Determined to fulfil his destiny, Culhwch seeks help from his cousin, Arthur.

After much searching through Wales, Culhwch, and the companions Arthur has sent with him, eventually find the Giant’s fortress and find themselves before the terrifying Ysbaddaden.  With help from his daughter, Olwen, who Culhwch has fallen deeply in love with, he enters the Fortress and comes face-to-face with her terrifying father.  Ysbaddaden agrees to the marriage on condition that Culhwch undertakes a perilous quest to complete a serious of tasks and bring him the treasures he has requested.  Will Culhwch be able to fulfil the Giant’s demands and marry his true love, or is his quest doomed to fail?

This is the most wonderfully rich quest journey filled with magical, fearsome creatures and incredible treasures, with feats of courage, with deeds of heroism and with a dangerous hunt.  I really enjoyed that both prose and poetry are included in the re-telling of the myth.  

The black-on-white and white-on-black illustrations, depicting both characters and nature, are stunning and complement the story perfectly.

An enchanting and delightful mythical tale of heroism and true love, perfect for young readers of 9+.

Thank you to Graffeg Limited for inviting me to take part in the Blog Tour and for providing me with a digital copy of Culhwch and Olwen in exchange for my honest opinion.

Do check out the other stops on the Blog Tour:

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