WWW Wednesday

I’m reading The Wishkeeper’s Apprentice which is a wonderful adventure  as Felix becomes apprentice to wishkeeper, Rupus Beewinkle as they try to defeat the wishsnatcher. I’m really enjoying the surprises in this one, and have already bought the next in the series. I’m also reading The Secret Society of Very Important Post and am loving being back with Penny and Wishyouwas as they try to foil a plot to stop the Queen’s coronation. I’m listening to Which Way Round the Galaxy which I’m really enjoying, especially the narrator addressing the reader directly.

I finished reading The Storm and the Minotaur which is another wonderful novella from Barrington Stoke. I also finished On Silver Tides which I absolutely loved, especially the relationship between sisters, Kelda and Isla. Kelda is such a strong character, determined to protect her sister no matter what. I also read Super Sausage to the Rescue which is a wonderfully heart-warming, funny story for younger readers. I have posted my review.

I’m hoping to read When the Wild Calls next.

What are you reading? Have you read any of these?

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